
In 2009, my family witnessed first hand the ferocity of Mother Nature. We saw what that gal can do with fire and oh, boy, has she got a way!

I've created this blog to show our wonderful family & friends how we are going.

As time goes on, I'm hoping that you'll find all sorts of information here to help you with your garden.

Returning the favour for those who helped us.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I know I shouldnt whinge

but too bad. 


I wont whinge about the rain cos we need it - but getting over that too I have to admit. The ground is sloppy, mud everywhere. I fight a losing battle every night with the garden dogs tramping mud into the laundry... SIGH...

I have managed to re shape the azaleas and have cut back the hydrangea (not by much though) but havent got to any of the other things on my September to do list.

Its been far to wet & very cold. Although, my front lawn is starting to look fantastic. It needs a feed & weed. 

Add that to the list Gardenia....

Hurry up warm weather.....

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Gardenia fights climate change!

I just signed up! I got my badge.. Have you yet? I signed up for the 350 Challenge just now.  The 350 is a fantastic initiative fighting climate change in America. And oz is doing the same thing. How exciting!!

350 challenge in Oz go here to learn what we are doing for climate change. 

Looks like they have an event day planned on the 10th October 2010. Hmm..how interesting... 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Time to build the Ark

I checked the Bureau of meteorology website today - and do it quite often I must admit. Is that sad? Being a bit of a science nerd???  And saw that our town was the very lucky recipient of 184.6 mm of rain in August. OMG - thats almost 53.6mm above average.

This time last year we were at 105.8 mm for august and the only thing in the garden doing really well were my mini Kangaroo paws.

2008 was even worse at 48mm for August.

Up to August 31st 2010, we have had 806.6 mm in total for the whole year. That's amazing! We haven't seen this type of rain quantity in a while.If we were rain harvesters, we'd be in for a bumper crop this year, thats for sure...

Follow its step by step instructions and select the town that is the closest to your area. Voila! 

I think this site is pretty easy to use. I use it to determine if the garden needs another drink or no...

But hows this for mythbusting...
Guess what London's average annual rain fall is?  A) 1000mm  B) 593mm    C) 200mm.

Answer: B. 593mm.  Who thought they get rained out all the time? 

 so you can check that out for yourself....

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hello And WELCOME!!!!

Oh, Hi! I'm so glad to see you! I'm Gardenia and welcome to my garden.

And welcome to my very first post! How exciting...

I will be using this blog-spot to show you where my garden is now and its many improvements as His Highness and I rebuild it.

Rebuild it did you say Gardenia?

Yes. His Highness and I went through the Black Saturday fires in 2009. His Highness saved me and his son (and everything we own) but we couldn't save our garden. Or our little orchard.

The view from over our water tank with the fire on its way. The smoke was horrendous.
Our little orchard on fire.

But, the weeds have grown back and now the garden has had a rest & gotten over the shock, its time to rebuild it.

I'll be glad for your company along the way!